
Lighting - Form and Shading Contour.

Photo's when learning about shading. First Sue turned off the lights in the room and we were to take pictures of our faces using our phone flashlights at different angles.
Light coming from the right^                   Light coming from above ^

Light from below ^                                                     Light coming from the left ^
(Reminds me of when using a flashlight
telling scary stories)

Next we sorted colored make-up from our kits and filled them out on a sheet.
Here are the three pages while they were still blank, before I started painting the make up on them:

Now here's my process for the skin tone shading:
 < Each of the colors without any mixing  < the beginning of mixing

                                            Almost completed - >

The next few sheets were of more colorful make up, Yellows, Reds and blacks:

  I then left at the end of class without having finished the work. I returned to complete it later that afternoon around 3:35, and was probably finished at 6. Seriously, it was dark outside by the time I left the PAC. Unfortunately, I didn't take process photos then, but I can provide photos of these completed sheets, taken weeks later:

  Look at the smudges, it was a mess.

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