
Mardi Gras

Krewe of Apollo

The first crew I chose was founded was the Mystic Krewe of Apollo. They describe their purpose as "to foster fraternal and social unity in the community." They mention another purpose being "to encourage and improve the gay community."

Krewe of Excalibur

Founded in 2000, this Krewe celebrates "the best traditions of New Orleans, King Arthur, Queen Quenivere, and the Knights of the Round Table."

Krewe of Perseus

A crew dedicated to the demi-god monster slayer Perseus. Son of Zeus who slain Medusa.

Sketched version of my Pegasus design.                                King Arthur designs with primary colors
<-Color Pallet before I start. Got messy & had to clean & redo.

Other sketch photos. I had a difficult time deciding what the designs would look like, that I had to come back a day later, and actually finish the design before I could even start painting them.


Apollo Pages with just yellow                     Got paint on the Camera

I actually went to Wal-Mart to buy some acrylic paints.
  This was because the white in the classroom wasn't enough, and I knew I would need a lot more white than was available, so I brought in some of my own!

Proved to be a good call, because white pain was VERY necessary to completing this project.

Good to have extra white paint!

                  There were several pages to lay out. ->

The following day, I had to recreate one of the designs on my own face. This was my first attempt.

  Without black outlines-> 
 <----With black outlines. Wasn't sure if it turned out correct or not. 

Two days later I had to paint someone else's design on someone else's face. I don't personally think I have the makeup Artistry as everyone else:
 It looks like a five year old put water color paint on her face.                                    Hardly any of this color looks solid <Leaf center good
      The white dots were supposed to be stars in the original design. But I was using brushes, not a marker or pen, so there's no way I could have created small detail. At least not with my skills (or lack thereof.)

1 comment:

  1. I love how intricate the one design with the crown is!
