
Facial Hair

Before putting on fake facial hair, we have to make it first!

    <- First we're given a layout of how the mustache and eyebrows are shaped as.

  We are then given hair pieces that we twist and mix to make it the different colors look natural.

We then paint latex onto the outline, and try to press the hair onto the latex and get it to stick.
 It took multiple days to get the hair to fill in the hole outline, but I got it. Here's what it looked like right when it got filled in.

 And here is how it looked when I took started to cut back on the access netting, and remove it off the paper/screen protector.

Before officially trying them on, I held them up to my face to get my first idea of what it will look like.
So before we put the facial hair on, we actually re-apply the same age design.

Heres the before picture with just foundation.



   That day I took more detailed shots of the age lines from different angles.

Then apply the high lights.

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     Then we blend the high lights. This was a lot better than the first one. This time I didn't blend it too much. I realized that to blend it, I should still see the lines, just not make it bright. On this bottom picture, I also used the highlights for the decrease of color on the outer part of the lips. Something I wasn't able to do the first time.

 <- I think this was before I started on the lips.

 Before we put the facial hair appliances to out faces, we apply spirit gum, as that's what makes it stick to our faces.

Here I am applying the eyebrows to my face. You have to press it down hard for like a minute for it to stick completely. You don't want part of the appliance handing off.

And here I am finally finished with all the appliances on.

Then we have to take it off. For this we used Spirit Gum Remover and apply it to a cotton ball that we use to remove the appliance.

Here's my after I took the eyebrows off. It surprisingly didn't hurt or give me a difficult time to remove like it did with everyone else. Or how hard I was told it will be.

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