

Not sure if this requires a blog post. But I took pictures so better safe than sorry.

I think these were pictures from before I started.

 A picture taken with the outer camera. By the looks of it, I already started applying some foundation.

Some more pictures detailing the foundation.

And now pencilling the shadows. The one way I could tell the foundation was making a difference was seeing that my face looked less red. That was ironically completely undone by drawing a pencil all over my face, which made my face more red than ever.

And then we applied the dots of highlights and contour.

 And these stacked pictures are after the shadows and highlights are blended. Doesn't look all that different from how I look without make-up.

 And now adding blush!

I think one of these might have been after adding powder. Or not, I can't tell the difference, because powder doesn't make it look different.

 Then we're told to add the wet blood color to the lips.

Then I'm told to add additional blush. Initially I thought it was too much. Makes me look like a clown or a doll. 

  But apparently it doesn't look too weird from a distance. Which is how the audience in a show will see you.

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